Microsoft word for mac support phone number

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To raise a ticket from the Office page in your online account, log in to your Office 365 account, click the app launcher (the nine dots in the top left corner) and then click “Office. Log a ticket from your Office 365 Account In both Sway and Forms, there is a Help option available from the three dots menu in the top right corner, but for both apps, there’s no obvious way to contact support with anything other than “feedback.” OneNote has the same File > Help > Help option as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, but when you click it, there is also no obvious way to contact support.įor all three of these apps, you can, of course, click around the Microsoft help until you find a path to support, but that’s not the same thing as having an obvious way to contact support from within the app. Scroll down to the bottom and click Contact support. Word, Excel, and PowerPoint In a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file, click File > Help > Help. Here’s how to contact support from each one. This will open the “New support request” form, where you can enter your support ticket. Hopefully Microsoft will make all of them work the same way at some point in the future, but for now, there’s some variance. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and on the right-hand side, click the “Contact support” option. This will open up a new page with various help options (which you should check out first). Click the “?” in the top right of the menu bar and then click “Support.”